Figure 6
– Assign Relay Event Code
The relay’s Polarity can be programmed to “Invert”. This causes the relay to assert when no alarms are active and de-assert when
an alarm occurs. This mode can be used to create a “fail-safe self-diagnostic” alarm of sorts. If the Optimizer3 should lose power
or experience a catastrophic failure, the asserted relay would release. The normally closed contacts would close, notifying the
supervisory system of the failure.
Figure 7
– Program Relay Polarity
If desired, the relay can be programmed to “Latch” in the asserted state. This is useful for bringing attention to alarm conditions
that are occasional or momentary. The relay will remain in the asserted state until manually reset or until the Optimizer3 reboots.
The Relay Latch Reset button is located on the Action page.
Figure 8
– Reset Latched Relay
Communication ports are used for Configuration of alarms and settings, history data retrieval, resets, data viewing, and data
transfer using DNP3.0 protocol.
RS-485 is half duplex. This port is used for DNP3 communication only. No user interface actions can be done through this port. If the
Optimizer3 is the last device in the network, a wire jumper is needed between terminals marked Term Jump. This jumper places an
internal 120Ω resistor into the circuit for termination. Factory defaults are Data bits: 8, Stop bits: 1, Parity: 1, Baud Rate: 9600 bps,
flow control: none.
USB Port is used for manual data dumping and password resetting. (Contact Technical Service). A USB memory stick with special
script files is necessary to perform specific operations, each operation requires a different script. Script files must be located in the
root directory of the USB memory stick. Files in directories on the memory stick will not be seen by the Optimizer3.