Figure 32
– Temperature Monitor Settings
Optimizer3 can record temperature from the internal Ambient sensor, analog loop-powered 4-20 mA temperature transducers,
or from the temperature given by Digital Density or Pressure sensors. A temperature transducer can be used to monitor cabinet
temperature, interrupter heater blankets, etc.
: Although temperature measurements from the Ambient sensor and Digital Density or Pressure sensors are logged in the
history, there are NO ALARM LIMITS associated with these temperature measurements. Only the analog loop-powered 4-20 mA
temperature transducers have associated programmable alarm limits.
When the “Temperature” sensor mode is selected, scaling for the mA current range and temperature range appear. High and Low
Temperature Alarm Limits appear.
If an Alarm Limit is set to -60.0° C (-76.0° F), the alarm is disabled.
The Low Temperature Alarm Limit is asserted if the measured temperature is less than or equal to the setting.
The High Temperature Alarm Limit is asserted if the measured temperature is greater than or equal to the setting.
A hysteresis of 3 degrees is applied to an active alarm, to reduce nuisance toggling of the alarm. The alarms are non-latching and
clear themselves when the measured temperature is between the alarm limits.