After storing, the next configuration option is displayed via the flashing LED. The following
configuration options are available.
Number of speed steps
1 x flashing - original Carrera 16 speed steps
3 x flashing - Speedflow control 30 speed steps
4 x flashing - Speedflow control 44 speed levels
5 flashes - WOL 44Plus
Selection: press briefly. Save: press and hold until LED flashes quickly, then release again. Now the
next configuration step can be performed.
Launch Control can be activated or deactivated
1 x flashing deactivated
2 x flashing Launch Control is available
Selection between these two options: press briefly\ Save: press and hold until LED flashes quickly,
then release again.\ Continue to next configuration step.
Select performance curve
The performance curve defines how the pressing of the trigger get translated to the power delivered
to the motor. The fine tuning is done via the trimmer on the side of the controller and can even be
adjusted while driving.
Here in the configuration menu the basic curve can be selected. The curve is not modified if the
trimmer is in center position. Turning it left or right bends the curve. Simply try it.
1 x flashing simple curve is selected – preferred by most people.
2 x flashing the S-shaped curve is selected.
The number of flashes indicates which curve is selected.
Selection: press briefly\ Save: press and hold until LED flashes quickly, then release again.