Turning the trimmer (the knob on the side oft he controller) bends the curve like you can see in the
graph. Center position results in a straight line.
Continue to the next configuration step.
Set trigger position from which the car starts
In this configuration step, you can verify the start position of the trigger and set the position you
want. For smaller hands it might be desirable to have the start position closer to the handle.
Verify configuration: psess the trigger slowly. As long as it is less pressed, than the start position the
LED is off. Once you cross the start position (trigger is more pressed than the start position) the LED
turns on.
Setting a new starting position: Move the trigger to the desired start position, hold it steady. While
holding, press the switch button, until the LED flashes, confirming the saving of the start position..
Set trigger position from which the car runs at full throttle
Here you can verify and set the full throttle trigger position. Verification and configuration works just
like for the trigger start position.
The LED switches on/off when you cross the full throttle position.
Setting the new full throttle position: hold the trigger at the desired position. While holding press the
switch button until you see the LED flashing.
Congratulations you have finished configuration!