Frama F-Link
FramaOnline2 (fo2.frama.com)
is temporarily unavailable.
Please try again later.
Please refer to manual for
further information.
F-Link is connected to the network and has got a valid IP
from the network. F-Link has access to the internet. But
F-Link has no access to the FO2 backend server.
Try again later. If this error stays on for longer time call
the FramaOnline2 hotline.
F-Link Status: F008
F-Link updates the firmware!
Wait until READY LED is
switched on again and retry!
F-Link updates its firmware instead of processing your
operation (inspection, credit loading). After the complete
download of the firmware from the FO2 backend server
the installation of the firmware is running and this mes-
sage is displayed on the franking system.
Do not switch of the F-Link is this state. F-Link reboots
automatically to startup with the new firmware. Wait until
the Ready LED is light up stable again. Then please re-
peat your operation.
F-Link checks for a firmware upgrade on each call to the
FO2 backend server.
No answer from DHCP server
Change F-Link DHCP settings
on {ipaddress}
Please refer to manual for
further information.
F-Link is configured to get a dynamically IP address from
a DHCP server in your network. But F-Link gets no dy-
namically IP address from a DHCP server.
Please configure the F-Link network settings properly. To
set the configuration you may access the F-Link configu-
ration pages over the displayed IP address.
Please check the operation of the DHCP server in your
Proxy error.
Change F-Link Proxy settings
on {ipaddress}
or update Proxy Server.
Refer to manual for further
The request of F-link is responded with a HTTP error
code (more codes are possible) of local proxy server. The
HTTP error code can be found in the event log of F-Link.
Please configure the F-Link proxy settings properly. To
set the configuration you may access the F-Link configu-
ration pages over the displayed IP address.
Possible cause for HTTP error code 305 – Use Proxy: The
internet is only accessible over the local proxy server.
Possible cause for HTTP error code 407 – Proxy Authenti-
cation Required: The username and password for access
to the local proxy server is wrong.
Possible cause for HTTP error code 502 – Bad Gateway:
The proxy server cannot communicate with the FO2
backend server.