Frama F-Link
No access to the configuration pages
When the access to the configuration pages is not possible then different reasons are possible.
Network errors
Are you sure that you use the right IP address for the F-Link?
Try a ping to the IP address of the F-Link from the console of a PC in the same network (if ping
is working in your network). When you get no answer from the F-Link then check your net-
Proxy configuration errors
It is possible that you use a Proxy server in your network for internet browsing. You must con-
figure the proxy settings of your PC that the local IP address of F-Link is bypassed / excluded
by the proxy server.
Login fails / lost login values
If you don’t know the username and password for the F-Link configuration page access any-
more, you can reset the F-Link. After the reset the administrator username and password are
on the default values username: “admin” and password: “admin”.
No access by default IP
If the F-Link was used before for connections with LAN connection type DHCP or STATIC the
access over the default IP address is not possible. Perform a reset of F-Link
without a connected network cable (see chapter 4.5). The default IP is now ac-
tive again for a configuration by a direct LAN cable connection.
Configuration page disappears after set to WI-FI ON
The F-Link possibly has automatically connected to an open Access Point. Remove the anten-
na, reset the device and repeat the WI-FI configuration.
Old configuration page values
Internet web browsers store data from web pages for offline mode and caches data to show web pag-
es faster. It is possible that not the actual data are displayed on a configuration page of F-Link. You can
clear the offline and cached data of your browser normally over a menu entry of the browser. Restart
the browser after you clear the offline and cached data and try again.
F-Link LED status
The different statuses of the LED’s from F-Link are described in the installation manual
[F-Link Installation Manual, Order-Nr: 1018863].
No access to Frama FO2 backend server
For a successful connection to the FramaOnline2, the following network configurations are required:
Open firewall ports:
Allow access to URL fo2.frama.com
The IP address of the URL fo2.frama.com can be found either by using the ping command “ping
fo2.frama.com” in a command line window (if ping is allowed in your network) or by a DNS lookup
service in the internet.