Frama F-Link
Proxy servers using SSL-interception require a specific rule in order to allow transparent communica-
tion (franking system via F-Link to FramaOnline2) via https port 443.
The specific rule grants correct identification of FramaOnline2 (https certificate) for the franking sys-
Reset the configuration
The configuration of the F-Link can be reset. Disconnect the LAN cable from F-Link. Press the RESET
switch at the back of the device for a minimum of 10 seconds. After this process the F-Link restores the
factory configuration (IP192.168.1.200) and all previous configuration settings will be lost. After the
reset, the F-Link reboots and is ready to be reconfigured when the Ready LED is on again.
Connecting F-Link to another franking system
Interchange of F-Link from one to another Franking System requires the following points:
same language
same configuration in network
same Franking System type
Ignoring this may lead to wrong configuration settings and prevent the franking system from success-
ful connection to FramaOnline2. In such case we recommend to reset the F-Link.
Supported special characters
The F-Link does not support all kind of characters as values in the input fields on the configuration
The following special characters can be used in all input fields:
! # $ % ( ) * + - . / = ? @ [ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~