Quantum BIOS
► CPU Configuration / Memory Timing Config / ALL Voltage Control / OC Gear
Press <Enter> to go to relative submenu.
******* Clockspeed Control Center *******
► CPU Bclock(FSB)
This item is used to set the ratio between CPU Core Clock and the FSB Frequency. You can
modify the value by pressing <+>/<-> key. The default value is 18.
► CPU Core Target Speed
This item shows CPU core target speed.
► CPU Ratio Status: Unlock (Min:09, Max:22)
This item shows CPU ratio status.
► CPU Ratio Actual Value
This item shows CPU ratio actual value is 22.
► CPU Core Multiplier
This item allows you to adjust CPU core multiplier.
► Memory Bus Frequency Mode
This item is used to set the memory bus frequency mode. Default value is [Auto].
► PCIE Bus Clock
This item allows you to adjust PCIE BUS clock. Default value is:[100].
CMOS Setup Utility - Copyright (C) 1985-2009, American Megatrends, Inc.
Quantum BIOS
► CPU Configuration
Press Enter
Help Item
► Memory Timing Config
Press Enter
► ALL Voltage Control
Press Ente
r Configure CPU.
► OC Gear
Press Enter
*******Clockspeed Control Center*******
CPU Bclock (FSB) 133
CPU Core Target Speed : 2.98Hz
CPU Ratio Status: Unlock (Min:09, Max:22)
CPU Ratio Actual Value : 22
CPU Core Multiplier
Memory Bus Frequency Mode Auto
Memory Bus Target Speed : 1333MHz
PCIE Bus Clock 100
↑↓←→:Move Enter:Select +/-/:Value F10:Save ESC:Exit F1:General Help
F9:Optimized Defaults
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