VR800 Owner’s Manual (MIDI Implementation Chart/MMC List)
will be erased (data "0" is written in). However, when sound
data length in the clipboard is less than 10ms, specifying the
<repeat count> will be limited to "01."
Also, by specifying the <mmc track>, paste operation can be
executed on other tracks in mono (one track unit) or stereo
units (tracks 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8).
Since time corresponding to length of the move clipped sound
data is required to complete the move paste operation, VR800
will immediately reply with "32 4E (<edit message=02 (ac-
tive)>)" after receiving the command.
Following completion of the move paste operation, "32 4E (<edit
message = 01 (completed)>)" will be sent.
If paste cannot be executed due to improper figures of the
previously registered auto punch in point, insufficient disc ca-
pacity, no sound data is in the clipboard, etc., the correspond-
ing <edit message> will be replied.
12 4F (<channel><channel>): track exchange command (Ex-
clusive command for FDMS-3.)
When the VR800 receives this command, the track can be ex-
change between the specified <channel><channel>. Especially,
if the first <channel=00><channel=01>, then exchange by
grouping will be executed between channel 1-8 and channel
17-24, and if the next byte <channel=00><channel=02>,
then the exchange will be between channel 9-16 and channel
17-24. If it cannot be executed for some reason, an error mes-
sage will be sent back.
13 3E: product new program command (Exclusive command
for FDMS-3.)
When the VR800 receives this command, a new program is
compiled and the current program is transferred to the new
program. As compilation of the new program is comparatively
short time, it is replied with "33 3E (<edit message=01 (com-
pleted)>)" immediately upon completion of execution.
If it cannot be executed for some reason, an error message will
be sent back.
13 3F: delete current program command (Exclusive command
for FDMS-3.)
When the VR800 receives this command, the current program
is deleted and succeeding programs moved up and renumberd.
If the deleted program is the only tune existing in the track, a
new program will be made automatically.
As this delete current program is executed in a comparatively
short time, "33 3F (<edit message=01 (completed)>)" will be
sent back immediately upon completing the execution.
If it cannot be executed for some reason, an error message will
be sent back.
13 41 (<channel><channel>): digital in ch.select command
The audio signal input from SPDIF digital in to assigned to the
destination track specified by <channel>. The first <channel>
shown in the command is the SPDIF L channel input, and the
second <channel> the R channel input. "<channel=00>" indi-
cates the adat input.
13 41 (<channel=7F><count><mmc track>): Adat in select com-
Channel = 7F indicates that it is Adat In. Normally, it will be
"<count=0>" and all channels will be inputs from Adat In.
If <count=0><mmc track> is indicates, then only the tracks
selected will be Adat In inputs.
13 42 (<channel><channel>): digital out ch.select command
The source channel for digital out is selected.
Normally, the first <channel> shown will be the SPDIF L chan-
nel data, and the second <channel> the SPDIF R channel out-
put. By FDMS-3 (VR800), any channel within "1 ~ 8" can be
selected. "<channel=00> <channel =00>" indicates the adat
13 42 (<channel=7F><channel=0>): Adat out select command
In a device which can be switched between SPDIF and Adat, if
the first display is <channel=7F>, then Adat Out can be setup.
13 43(<program>): program change command
The command for PROGRAM CHANGE of VR800. The present
program number can be changed to the figure indicated by
13 44 (<on/off>): click on/off command
The command for setting the metronome on/off of VR800.
When ON is set, the metronome signal will be fed to the track 8
output of VR800.
13 46 (<on/off>): Bar/Beat Resolution ON/OFF command
The command for ON/OFF of the bar/beat resolution function
of this equipments' current program.
13 47 (<midi sync>): Midi Sync Out command
The setup command for MIDI Sync Out mode of this equip-
ments' current program.
13 48 (<MTC offset mode>): MTC offset mode command
The setup command for MTC offset mode of this equipments'
current program.
13 49 (<count=3> <on/off> <vari data>): Vari pitch command
13 49 (<count=1> <on/off>): Vari pitch command
The command for setting this equipments' vari pitch ON/OFF
and pitch data.
Control of ON/OFF only is possible at <count=1> and both ON/
OFF and pitch data can be set at <count=3>.
14 01 (<signature map>): Signature set command
The command for setting the meter of this equipment. If a new
data is registered at the bar position where a data exists, the
former data will be written over. When this command is re-
ceived, this equipment will reply with "34 01 (<edit message>)."
Upon completing the registeration, <edit message> will reply
with "01 (completed)," or with "10 (over value error)" if
registeration is attempted at a non-existing point or an errone-
ous figure is used.
14 02 (<tempo set map>): Tempo set command
The command for tempo set of this equipment. If a new data is
registered in a bar/meter where data already exists, the former
data will be written over. When this command is received, this
equipment will reply with "34 02 (<edit message>)." Upon
completing the registeration, <edit message> will reply with
"01 (completed)," or with "10 (over value error)" if registeration
is attempted at a non-existing point or an erroneous figure is