VR800 Owner’s Manual (MIDI Implementation Chart/MMC List)
Fostex System Exclusive Message
General Structure=F0 51<device id><sub id 1>(<data>)F7
* Numbers are all expressed in hexadecimal units.
Table: <sub id 1> (<data>)
Command or Model Set
Acknowledge or Status
Controller to VR800
VR800 to Controller
Loop on/off
12 22 (<on/off>)
Post locate
12 28 (<post locate mode>)
Auto rec
12 2D (<on/off>)
32 2D (<edit message>)
Lock enable
12 41 (<lock enable>)
Lock mode
12 42 (<lock mode>)
Copy clip
12 45 (<count><mmc track>)
32 45 (<edit message>)
12 46 (<count=01><repeat count>)
Copy paste
32 46 (<edit message>)
12 46 (<count><repeat count><mmc track>)
12 47 (<count><mmc track>)
32 47 (<edit message>)
Clipboard play
12 49
32 49 (<edit message><mmc track>)
12 4A
32 4A (<edit message>)
12 4B
32 4B (<edit message>)
Move clip
12 4D (<count><mmc track>)
32 4D (<edit message>)
12 4E (<count=01><repeat count>)
Move paste
32 4E (<edit message>)
12 4E (<count><repeat count><mmc track>)
Track exchange
12 4F (<channel><channel>)
32 4F (<edit message>)
New program
13 3E
33 3E (<edit message>)
Delete program
13 3F
33 3F (<edit message>)
Digital in ch.
13 41 (<channel><channel>)
Digital out ch.
13 42 (<channel><channel>) *
Refer to Note.
Move clip
12 4D (<count><mmc track>)
32 4D (<edit message>)
Program change
13 43 (<program>)
Click on/off
13 44 (<on/off>)
Resolution on/off
13 46 (<on/off>)
Midi Sync out
13 47 (<nidi sync>)
MTC offset mode
13 48 (<MTC offset mode>)
13 49 (<count=3><on/off><vari pitch>)
Vari pitch
13 49 (<count=1><on/off>)
Signature set
14 01 (<signature map>)
34 00 (<edit message>)
Tempo set
14 02 (<tempo set map>)
34 00 (<edit message>)
Tempo map all erase14 03
34 00 (<edit message>)
Preroll time set
14 04 (<mmc time>)
Frame rate set
14 06 (<frame rate>)
Time base set
14 08 (<time base>)
< N o t e >
< N o t e >
< N o t e >
< N o t e >
< N o t e >
Following protocol is effective only in equipment which will reply by -
Identity Reply=F0 7E<channel>06 02 51 01 00 0E 00 01 ** ** ** F7 (VR800)
against the Inquiry Message=F0 7E<channel>06 01.
Fostex MIDI System Exclusive Message Format for VR800