User manual | Filter E-PURE ASPRA S400
If the E-PURE ASPRA S400 is not functioning up to standards, the list of possible
problems below can help diagnose and solve the problem. If your problem is not
on the list, please contact your supplier.
The fan of the appliance does not turn on...
Turn the appliance off and back on again by following the steps in the Functional
Overview section of this manual, making sure to connect the power cord.
Make sure the collecting container is correctly secured in the E-PURE ASPRA.
The appliance will not turn ON if the collector container is not “clicked” in at
both sides. Follow step 7 described at 5.2 Changing saturated collectors.
If the problem reoccurs, turn off the appliance, disconnect the power cord
and contact your supplier.
The collector is not showing much sign of saturation even after 3 months of use…
Make sure your appliance is on regularly, indicated by a light in the main
switch and the sound of the fan. If not, follow the steps described in the Use
section of this manual to turn on the appliance.
If the appliance was indeed turned on, contact your supplier.
The rating of my grounded power outlet does not meet the requirement of ~220-
240 V, 50-60 Hz...
Use a voltage converter that converts your specific outlet voltage to 230 volt
(V) alternating current (AC), this converter should be capable of supplying at
least 50 Watts.
The sound of the fan does not change when I change the position of the
speed switch to a different speed setting (E-PURE ASPRA S400-M)...
The speed of the fan will slowly increase when turning the speed switch. It
can take up to 1 minute before the fan has reached the new speed.
When you have changed the speed of the fan and it does not change after
1 minute, it is possible that the speed setting is broken. Please contact your
supplier. You can safely keep using your appliance until the problem is solved.
6. Troubleshooting