Tent Camper Owner’s Manual
To utilize water from an external pressurized source (city water), proceed as follows:
1. Be sure the galley (kitchen) faucet is in the OFF position.
2. Remove the cap from the city water connection, located on outside wall near the sink.
3. Connect a good quality hose to both the camper connection, and the connection at the city water supply. Re-
member to use hoses of different colors for obtaining water and draining lines, to avoid possible contamination
of your water system.
4. Turn the city water supply on. Open the kitchen faucet. Be sure there are no kinks in your hose which could
restrict the water flow.
note: a CheCk valve in the systeM prevents the Water froM filling the internal
Water storage tank.
When using water from the fresh water tank, the system must be pressur-
ized. A self-priming 12V DC pump is provided to handle this function.
A pump ON/OFF switch is located on the backside of the dinette next to
the converter. When the switch is in the ON position, an indicator light
on the switch illuminates to let you know the pump has been activated.
Once activated, the pump will turn itself on automatically whenever a
faucet or valve is opened, creating a demand for water. Once the water
flow is shut off, the pump will also shut off.
Sometimes, when using the pump for the first time after filling the fresh water tank, the water flowing from the
faucet will sputter until all the air has been cleared from the water line. This is normal, and does not indicate a
problem with the pump. When using the internal water supply, the pump should be left on, since it only runs when
there is a demand for water from the system. The water pump is equipped with a screen to trap debris and should
be cleaned out periodically.
Do not turn the Water puMp on When using Water froM an
outsiDe pressurizeD sourCe.
If your camper is equipped with a shower, allow the entire system (water tank, water heater, and water lines) to fill
with water, before using the water heater. When using water from either an internal or external source, open the
faucets to allow water to flow through the system. When the flow becomes steady and free of air, turn the faucets
off. Be sure that the water heater has been filled before lighting the pilot.
note: When using the internal Water supply, you May Want to aDD Water to the
tank to replaCe the Water useD During the initial start up proCess of
alloWing all CoMponents of the systeM to fill. this proCess Will use a sub-
stantial aMount of Water froM your Water storage tank.
The sink drain is a direct connection to the drain fitting on the side of the camper. As water is used, it should be
drained through a hose directly into the campsite septic system, or if not available, into a bucket for proper disposal.
note: be a responsible CaMper. Do not alloW Water you have useD, (Water froM
your gray or blaCk holDing tanks), to Drain DireCtly onto the grounD.