Operation Manual RTM MP Plus
Installation and Wiring
Area of Machine Rotation
Following RTM MP components are installed either on the rotating part of the machine
or in the area of machine rotation:
Transmitter EMGZ482T.MP.PLUS.W.24VDC
RMGZ Force Measuring Rollers
Static installation of force sensor
Fig. 2: RMGZ Red Point alignment on static machine parts
The red point should always be aligned in the direction of the resulting Force (see Fig.
2). For further mounting information please consult the respective installation manual
of the sensor. The installation manual is always delivered together with the sensor.
Installation of Force Sensors on a Rotating Machine Part
In rotating applications the force measuring sensors are mounted such that
centrifugal forces are compensated. If using FMS RMGZ sensors, this can be achieved
by turning the Red Point parallel to the rotation axis and in direction of the positive
force component (refer to Fig. 3).
The adjustment of the red point can be tested after offset compensation and
calibration. If the reading of an unloaded load cell stays at zero regardless of the load
cell position (e.g. at 12 o’clock or at 6 o’clock position), the red point is correctly