Precision Infrared Calibrator
Digital Communication Interface
This command is unconditionally protected, which requires a password to set it.
Read or set the main control loop integral time in seconds. Range = {10.0-999.9}
Read Example: SOUR:LCON:INT?
Response: 20.0
Set Example: SOUR:LCON:INT 10
The main zone integral is the integration time in seconds that the unit's PID controller uses for main
zone control.
This command is unconditionally protected and requires a password to set it.
Read or set the main control loop proportional band, °C. Range = {1.0-99.9}
Read Example: SOUR:LCON:PBAN?
Response: 1.5
Set Example: SOUR:LCON:PBAN 7
The main zone proportional band is the gain inverse in °C that the unit's proportional- integral-
derivative (PID) controller uses for main zone control.
SOUR:LIST:SPO<i>[?] [n]
Read or set a main temperature preset set-point
Read example: SOUR:LIST:SPO6?
Response: 25.00
Set Example: SOUR:LIST;SPO6 100.00
Reset the cutout to enable the system
This command has no response.
If the Product exceeds the temperature set in the SOFT CUTOUT menu or if it exceeds the maximum
operating temperature of the Product, a cutout condition occurs. If this happens, the unit enters cutout
mode and does not actively heat or cool until the user issues this command to clear the cutout or resets
the Product using the
button to clear the cutout mode and activate the Product.