Remote Programmer's Manual
Notes for the Measurement Commands:
Note 1:
Data becomes invalid when:
*RST is executed,
INITiate:IMMediate is executed,
the signal path is reconfigured or
an acquisition is in progress.
Note 2:
The secondary readings available for AC voltage and current are: “FREQuency”,
“PERiod”, "PK to Pk", "Crest Factor", "Pos Peak", "Neg peak", “OFF” (turns off
secondary readings). Additionally, for ACI external shunt and DCI external shunt,
the secondary reading can be "Shunt Voltage" or "Power coefficient". See
Note 3:
If secondary readings are active, the <RESPONSE MESSAGE UNIT> returned
by a FETCh? 2, READ? 2 or MEASure? 2 contains the same number of
elements as the primary readings returned by FETCh?, READ? or MEASure?
Note 4:
Data returned by Fetch 2, 3, and 4 is valid only when the appropriate measurement
function and Inputs mode are active. For example, you cannot get the values from
the front and rear terminals unless you are in SCAN.
Note 5:
The command sequence MEAS:<meter_fn>?;:FETCH? returns two identical
<RESPONSE MESSAGE UNIT> elements separated by a semicolon.
Note 6:
The response from *RST;MEAS:<meter_fn>? is a single value because *RST
sets FORMat to ASCII, TRIGger:COUNt to 1, ARM1:COUNt and ARM2:COUNt
to 1.
Note 7:
There are no CONFigure commands for DIGitize so MEASure:DIGitize? is