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Using an L-SWITCH™ valve
Fluidic principle
The L-SWITCH™ is a 6-port / 2-position valve for injection or switching different fluids controlled by our ESS
Control software.
Fluidic switching mode
Here is the fluidic diagram of an L-SWITCH™. The L-
SWITCH™ can be in position 1 or position 2.
Position 1
connects port #1 with port #6, port
#5 with port #4, and port #3 with port #2.
Position 2
connects port #1 with port #2, port
#3 with port #4, and port #5 with port #6. The
L-SWITCH™ enables you to switch between
these two positions.
Default position of the L-SWITCH™
the L-SWITCH™ is not powered is
the last
actuated position
The L-SWITCH™ is a
bidirectional valve
meaning that the fluid can flow inside the L-
SWITCH™ in both directions.
non used ports must be closed with plugs
to preserve the L-SWITCH™ good operation. In
the same way as the 2-SWITCH™ and the M-
SWITCH™, it is possible to use a plugged
position to close a fluidic path.
Fluidic injection mode
Another possibility for using the
L-SWITCH™ is to use it with a sample
(more details in §4.3.1).
way, position 1 of the L-SWITCH™
becomes a load position, and the
second position is an inject position.
In this mode, the L-Switch™ enables
to inject a precise volume of fluid,
depending of the sample loop size.
Example: In Position 1 fluid can
flow through the valve between
port #6 and port #4, whereas in
Position 2 the fluidic path is
between the port #2 and port #3.