• When the
Use sound alarm
check box is selected, there will be a sound when an ele-
vated temperature is detected.
Digital output
The screening result can trigger an external device, such as a gate, lights, or a siren,
connected to the digital I/O connector on the camera.
Cameras that support multiple digital outputs will send a signal on digital output 1 for a
positive condition (Elevated temperature) and a signal on digital output 2 for a negative
condition (Normal temperature).
• When the
Enable digital output
check box is selected, a digital pulse will be output
after a Normal temperature or Elevated temperature screening result.
• Use the
Elevated temperature signal’s timespan
Normal temperature signal’s
fields to define the time (in milliseconds) that the digital output is enabled
when a positive/negative result is detected by the camera. Set the value to 0 millisec-
onds to make the output enabled as long as a positive/negative condition is met.
tab is used to control the webhooks functionality. For more information,
see section 10.4.2
• Use the button to activate/deactivate webhooks. The settings can only be changed
when webhooks is inactive (red
To activate webhooks, you must run FLIR Screen-EST as administrator. You
do this by right-clicking FLIR Screen-EST on the Start menu and select
Run as
• Select the
Run on application start
check box to activate webhooks automatically
when the FLIR Screen-EST starts.
• Use the
Computer port
field to specify the path port on which FLIR Screen-EST shall
listen to incoming POST requests.
• Use the
fields to specify the URL for the callbacks.
The callback URL format is:
where # = alarm/pass/misreading/ready/waiting/error/standby
Default alarm URL
(alarm): The screening result is Elevated temperature.
Default no elevated skin temperature URL
(pass): The screening result is Normal
Default misreading URL
(misreading): There is no successful screening result with-
in the time limit set by the
Misreading timeout
Default system’s readiness URL
(ready): The system is ready to perform a
Default system awaiting URL
(waiting): The system is waiting for a person to
Default system error URL
(error): System error, e.g. no camera is connected or not
enough samples have been collected.
Default system stand-by URL
(standby): The screening is deactivated and the sys-
tem closed message is displayed in the visitor window.
• Use the
Misreading timeout
field to set the time limit for a successful screening result
(normal or alarm).
General options
• Click
Factory default settings
to reset the application to factory settings. FLIR Screen-
EST will restart to apply the new settings.
• Click
Clear cache
to delete locally cached content. FLIR Screen-EST will restart to ap-
ply the new settings.
#T810570; r. AA/72255/72255; en-US