Operation — Operator instructions
Normal operation
The normal screening workflow includes the following operator tasks:
1. Prepare the system for a new screening session, see section 8.3.1
2. The screening normally does not require any action from you. Depending on your
workflow, you may need to be available for guidance and alarms. See also section
If you run into problems, see section 8.4
You may get questions from the visitors about the screening. For answers to common
questions, see section 8.5
Start a new screening session
To prepare the system for a new screening session, do the following:
1. Make sure the screening station is in order:
• The FLIR Screen-EST Kiosk is placed at the correct position in front of the screen-
ing position.
• The screening position is clearly marked.
• The FLIR Screen-EST Kiosk power cable is connected to a power outlet.
The thermal camera starts automatically when the FLIR Screen-EST Kiosk
is connected to power. The camera should be allowed to warm up for about 20 mi-
nutes before performing the screening. This will help ensure the best results.
• The barriers, roll-ups, etc. are in place.
2. Turn on the tablet.
3. Start the FLIR Screen-EST application by double-tapping the desktop icon.
4. Make sure the camera is connected to FLIR Screen-EST.
The camera is connected if live image is displayed in the operator window. If not, see
section 8.4.1
5. Collect reference samples, see section
6. Maximize the visitor window.
7. The screening station is now ready for visitors.
Collect reference samples
Before the screening can start, you must record samples for the calculation of the refer-
ence temperature average. You do this by screening 10 healthy persons.
To collect reference samples, do the following:
1. Place a healthy person at the screening position.
#T810570; r. AA/72255/72255; en-US