tab is where you initiate and monitor the screening.
The image below shows what the user interface looks like when a camera is connected.
1. Discovery pane
This pane displays the available cameras. Find the FLIR camera and use the button
to the right to connect.
When the
check box is selected, the camera connects automatically
next time FLIR Screen-EST starts.
2. Camera capture pane
This pane includes buttons for camera control, e.g. autofocus.
3. Events pane
This pane displays all events and operations performed to a connected camera. Use
the buttons to clear or save the logs to a file.
4. Camera image pane
The live image from the camera is displayed here.
The system is looking for faces in a part of the image which is called the region-of-in-
terest. The dotted box on the images here indicates the region-of-interest for the face
detection. The size of the region-of-interest box is defined by a setting (see section
). You can change the size of the box by a drag-and-drop
operation here.
#T810570; r. AA/72255/72255; en-US