Audio Considerations
Since the DVR is a unique and flexible device, there is not a standard con-
nection scheme for the audio circuit. The DVR is connected between an
audio source and its original destination, i.e. an intercom and a headset.
Whatever audio is present at the destination is now available to the DVR for
recording. Likewise whatever the DVR records is played back to that same
destination. The closer the DVR is installed to the Com radio, the less audio
sources are available for recording. The closer the DVR is installed to the
headset the more audio sources are available for recording.
If the DVR were to be installed between one radio and the audio panel (A)
then only that radio’s audio would be recorded. But the playback would be
available for switching with the audio panel and broadcast through the
cabin speaker or the entire intercom system. If the DVR
were to be installed between the intercom and the pilot’s station headset
jacks (C) then whatever audio source was switched with the audio panel
and whatever intercom audio was being heard by the pilot, including
his own sidetone, would be recorded. But the playback would only be
available to the pilot.
DVR 300i Typical Connection Configuration