V2.0 subject to changes | Webdyn © by Flexitron Group
The minimum access rights to the different directories must be defined as specified in the table above.
If the directories on the FTP server do not exist the first time the hub connects, it will create them.
If the directories are not created at the hub connection, or if the rights are not sufficient to upload
or download files, contact the server administrator. Operation
The hub always uploads files to the FTP server using a 2-step process:
At the start of the transfer the file has an additional “.tmp” extension.
When the file transfer is complete, it is renamed by removing the “.tmp” extension.
This process allows the remote server to easily differentiate between files being uploaded and files that
are completely uploaded. File Format
The files exchanged with the remote server are in BSON format which is a binary version of JSON. The
format described in the document is in JSON format. To convert JSON format to BSON format or vice
versa, a library available on the official website is needed: http://bsonspec.org/implementations.html.
To avoid file alteration during exchanges, a CRC32 is included in each file. The “crc” field must always be
the last field in the JSON and BSON files.
Example JSON configuration file:
“config”: {
“remote”: {
“ntp”: [“
”, “”]
“crc”: 0