V2.0 subject to changes | Webdyn © by Flexitron Group
Using a JSON file (to be converted to BSON format for the hub):
“mode”: 2,
“duration”: 60,
“manufFilter”: { “$type”: “00”,”$binary”:
“mediumFilter”: { “$type”: “00”,”$binary”: “BwE=”},
“ longHeader”: true,
“ skipVersionField”: false,
“ skipMediumField”: false
“crc”: 0
If necessary, the concentrator has a multi-listening mode which makes it possible to recover the WM-Bus
data from the sensors in one mode and then to recover the WM-Bus data from other sensors which are
in another mode.
In the case of a multi listening mode, the “mode” and “duration” parameters are arrays. The first element
of the arrays corresponds to the first mode triggered by the concentrator when retrieving WM-Bus data
from the sensors, the second element of the arrays corresponds to the second mode used when retrieving
In the case of multiple listening modes, the list of manufacturer codes “manufFilter”, the list of
medium codes “mediumFilter” and the white list “whiteList” apply to all the defined modes.
Example of a multi-mode listening:
By JSON file (to be converted into BSON format for the concentrator):