Operator’s Handbook for
Fassmer rescue boats Type RR 4.2
Document 40.0420-
Art. No. 135897
Mod. 0 Lange/WZ 03.11.2006
11.2 Engine plant maintenance:
Engine manual from supplier has priority, in every case, over
this information.
For further information therefore please refer to the engine
Fuel recommendations: (for all outboard engines)
Outboard engine without oil Automixing:
Unleaded gasoline mixed 1:100 with full synthetic outboard engine oil or
1:50 with normal outboard engine oil (first 10 h with 1:25)
Outboard engine with Automixing-automatic oil supply from separate
tank at engine
Unleaded gasoline
Fuel recommendations: (inboard diesel engine)
Marine Gas Oil (MGO) with a cold filter plugging point
(CFPP) -15°C.
If CFPP of fuel can not be assured or if temperatures below -15°C might
occur, you might add Diesel Anti-Freeze-additive (Fassmer order no.
100186) to diesel fuel for use up to -33°C.
If some water is found in the diesel fuel, you might add Diesel & gasoline
water absorber (Fassmer order no. 685771). Burns up to 5% water in fuel,
shelters fuel system against corrosion and mud. Add to tank BEFORE fuel