Operator’s Handbook for
Fassmer rescue boats Type RR 4.2
Document 40.0420-
Art. No. 135897
Mod. 0 Lange/WZ 03.11.2006
Secure the boat
Disembark the boat
Return the boat to it’s stowed position and lash it according to the davit
Re-stow all loose equipment.
Remove all items that are not part of the boat equipment (portable VHF,
SART etc.).
Charging plug
Reconnect charging cable if fitted.
Outboard engine to be flushed with fresh water and serviced according
to engine instruction.
DON’T stop engine by STOP SWITCH after running. Remove fuel
hose and wait until engine stops by itself. This removes remaining fuel
from the engine and facilitates a later re-start. Re-connect fuel hose
again after this.
Refill fuel and other consumed items.
Any problems or damage experienced during the test should be settled
Switch off battery switch when leaving the boat, if fitted.