Higher body weight
Stronger, more fit, more aggressive rider
Corrosive environment (wet, salt air, winter road salt, ac-
cumulated sweat)
Presence of abrasive mud, dirt, sand, soil in riding envi-
Factors that lengthen product life:
Smooth, fluid riding style
No “hits”, crashes, jumps, other “shots” to the bike
Low mileage
Lower body weight
Less aggressive rider
Non-corrosive environment (dry, salt-free air)
Clean riding environment
WARNING: Do not ride a bicycle or component with any
crack, bulge or dent, even a small one. Riding a cracked
frame, fork or component could lead to complete failure, with
risk of serious injury or death.
C. Understanding components
It is often necessary to remove and disassemble compo
nents in order to properly and carefully inspect them. This is
a job for a professional bicycle mechanic with the special
tools, skills and experience to inspect and service today’s
high-tech high-performance bicycles and their components.
Aftermarket “Super Light” components
Think carefully about your rider profile as outlined above.
The more you fit the “shorten product life” profile, the more
you must question the use of super light components. The
more you fit the “lengthen product life” profile, the more
likely it is that lighter components may be suitable for you.
Discuss your needs and your profile very honestly with your
dealer. Take these choices seriously and understand that
you are responsible for the changes.
A useful slogan to discuss with your dealer if you contem
plate changing components is “Strong, Light, Cheap –pick
Original Equipment components
Bicycle and component manufacturers tests the fatigue life
of the components that are original equipment on your bike.