General Purpose Riding
Bikes designed for riding Condition 1, plus smooth gravel
roads and improved trails with moderate grades where the
tires do not lose ground contact.
INTENDED For paved roads, gravel or dirt roads that are in
good condition, and bike paths.
NOT INTENDED For off-road or mountain bike use, or for
any kind of jumping. Some of these bikes have suspension
features, but these features are designed to add comfort, not
off-road capability. Some come with relatively wide tires that
are well suited to gravel or dirt paths. Some come with rela
tively narrow tires that are best suited to faster riding on
pavement. If you ride on gravel or dirt paths, carry heavier
loads or want more tire durability talk to your dealer about
wider tires.
Appendix B
The lifespan of your bike and its components
1. Nothing Lasts Forever, Including Your Bike.
When the useful life of your bike or its components is
over, continued use is hazardous. Every bicycle and its
component parts have a finite, limited useful life. The
length of that life will vary with the construction and
materials used in the frame and components; the mainte-
nance and care the frame and components receive over
their life; and the type and amount of use to which the
frame and components are subjected. Use in competi-
tive events, trick riding, ramp riding, jumping, aggressive
riding, riding on severe terrain, riding in severe climates,
riding with heavy loads, commercial activities and other
types of non-standard use can dramatically shorten the
life of the frame and components. Any one or a combi-
nation of these conditions may result in an unpredictable
failure. All aspects of use being identical, lightweight
bicycles and their components will usually have a shorter
life than heavier bicycles and their components. In
selecting a lightweight bicycle or components you are
making a tradeoff, favoring the higher performance that
comes with lighter weight over longevity. So, If you