5. Can you comfortably operate the brakes? If not, you
may be able to adjust their angle and reach. See Section
3.D and 3.E
6. Do you fully understand how to operate your new bicy-
cle? If not, before your first ride, have your dealer explain
any functions or features which you do not understand.
B. Safety first
1. Always wear an approved helmet when riding your bike,
and follow the helmet manufacturer’s instructions for fit,
use and care.
2. Do you have all the other required and recommended
safety equipment? See Section 2. It’s your responsibility
to familiarize yourself with the laws of the areas where
you ride, and to comply with all applicable laws.
3. Do you know how to correctly secure your front and rear
wheels? Check Section 4.A.1 to make sure. Riding with
an improperly secured wheel can cause the wheel to
wobble or disengage from the bicycle, and cause seri-
ous injury or death.
4. f your bike has toeclips and straps or clipless (“step-in”)
pedals, make sure you know how they work (see Sec-
tion 4.E). These pedals require special techniques and
skills. Follow the pedal manufacturer’s instructions for
use, adjustment and care.
5. Do you have “toe overlap”? On smaller framed bicycles
your toe or toe clip may be able to contact the front
wheel when a pedal is all the way forward and the wheel
is turned. Read Section 4.E. to check whether you have
toeclip overlap.
6. Does your bike have suspension? If so, check Section
4.F. Suspension can change the way a bicycle performs.
Follow the suspension manufacturer’s instructions for
use, adjustment and care.
C. Mechanical Safety Check
Routinely check the condition of your bicycle before every
ride. Nuts, bolts screws & other fasteners: Because manu-
facturers use a wide variety of fastener sizes and shapes
made in a variety of materials, often differing by model and
component, the correct tightening force or torque cannot be
generalized. To make sure that the many fasteners on your
bicycle are correctly tightened, refer to the Fastener Torque
Specifications in Appendix C of this manual or to the torque
specifications in the instructions provided by the manufac-
turer of the component in question. Correctly tightening a