choose lightweight, high performance equipment, be
sure to have it inspected frequently. You should have
your bicycle and its components checked periodically
by your dealer for indicators of stress and/or potential
failure, including cracks, deformation, corrosion, paint
peeling, dents, and any other indicators of potential
problems, inappropriate use or abuse. These are impor-
tant safety checks and very important to help prevent ac-
cidents, bodily injury to the rider and shortened product
2. Perspective
Today’s high-performance bicycles require frequent and
careful inspection and service. In this Appendix we try
to explain some underlying material science basics and
how they relate to your bicycle. We discuss some of the
trade-offs made in designing your bicycle and what you
can expect from your bicycle; and we provide important,
basic guidelines on how to maintain and inspect it. We
cannot teach you everything you need to know to prop-
erly inspect and service your bicycle; and that is why we
repeatedly urge you to take your bicycle to your dealer
for professional care and attention.
A. Understanding metals
Steel is the traditional material for building bicycle frames. It
has good characteristics, but in high performance bicycles,
steel has been largely replaced by aluminum and some tita
nium. The main factor driving this change is interest by cy
cling enthusiasts in lighter bicycles.
Properties of Metals
Please understand that there is no simple statement that can
be made that characterizes the use of different metals for
bicycles. What is true is how the metal chosen is applied is
much more important than the material alone. One must look
at the way the bike is designed, tested, manufactured, sup
ported along with the characteristics of the metal rather than
seeking a simplistic answer. Metals vary widely in their resis
tance to corrosion. Steel must be protected or rust will attack
it. Aluminum and Titanium quickly develop an oxide film that
protects the metal from further corrosion. Both are therefore
quite resistant to corrosion. Aluminum is not perfectly corro
sion resistant, and particular care must be used where it con
tacts other metals and galvanic corrosion can occur.
Metals are comparatively ductile. Ductile means bending,
buckling and stretching before breaking. Generally speaking,