Warning Statement for Low Power Radios:
Without permission granted by the NCC, no company, enterprise, or user is
allowed to change the frequency of an approved low power radio-frequency
device, enhance its transmitting power or alter original characteristics or
The use of low power RF devices must not affect flight safety or interfere with
legal communications: when interference is found, it should be immediately
stopped and ameliorated not to interfere before continuing to use it. The legal
communications mentioned here refer to radio communications operating in
accordance with the provisions of the Telecommunication Law. Low power RF
devices need to bear with interference from legal communications or
industrial, scientific and medical radio wave radiating equipment
電池 警語
此裝 置使 用鋰 電池 。
若未 遵照 下列 準則
則 裝置 內的 鋰離 子電 池壽 命可 能會 縮短或 有損 壞裝 置 、發生 火災 、
化學 品灼 傷 、電解 液洩 漏及
或 受傷 的風險 。
請勿 拆解 、鑿 孔或 損壞 裝置 或電 池 。
請勿 取出 或嘗 試取 出使 用者 不可 自行 更換 的電 池 。
請勿 將電 池曝 露於 火焰 、爆 炸或 其他 危險中 。
請勿 使用 尖銳物 品取出 電池 。
Battery warning:
This device uses a lithium-ion battery.
If the following guidelines are not followed, the life of the lithium-ion battery in the
device may be shortened or there is a risk of damage to the device, fire, chemical
burn, electrolyte leakage and / or injury.
Do not disassemble, puncture or damage the device or battery.
Do not remove or try to remove the battery that the user cannot replace.
Do not expose the battery to flames, explosions or other hazards.
Do not use sharp objects to remove the battery.