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Consumer Information



• DO NOT install this product on a hard 

surface. A fall onto hard surface could result 

in a head or other serious injuries. Never 

place on concrete, asphalt, wood, packed 

earth or other hard surfaces. Carpet over 

hard floors may not prevent injury.

• Instruct children to remove their bike or other 

sports helmet before playing on the 

playground equipment.

• CHOKING HAZARD – Small parts. This 

product contains small parts and sharp 

points which are necessary for assembly. 

Prior to or during assembly of this product, 

keep all components out of children’s reach. 

Small parts pose a choking hazard to 

children under 3 years of age.

•  Warning. Only for domestic use. Suitable for indoor and outdoor 

use. This product is designed for normal residential use only, and 

is not intended for use in schools, parks, day care centers, 

nurseries, or other public places.

•  Warning. This product i s intended for use by children ages 1½ - 

4 years.

•  Warning. Maximum weight limit: 50 lbs (23 kg) on each individual 

play. Limit 1 child at any one time.

•  Adult assembly required. Phillips / cross-headed screwdriver (not included) required during assembly.
•  Instruct children on proper use of this product, only after properly installed and assembled, and not in any manner other than intended.
•  Recommend to place the activity toy on a level surface at least 2 m (6.5 feet) from any structure or obstruction such as a fence, garage, 

house, overhanging branches, laundry lines or electrical wires.

•  On-site adult supervision is required for children of all ages at all times when on or around this product. Never leave children unattended.
•  Slide feet first. Never head first. One (1) child at a time.
•  When the slide is exposed to direct sunlight, check the temperature on the product surface. If the slide chute is too hot, pour cold water on 

the slide chute until it cools and wipe dry before giving it to children.

•  Do not use without water in the Front Panel (D) and Back Panel (A).
•  Use only the balls provided with this unit.
•  Do not over inflate the balls. The balls can burst causing serious injury.
•  It is recommended to place the slide out of direct sunlight to reduce the likelihood of serious burns and injure child’s eyes. A slide that faces 

north will receive the least direct sunlight.


• Observing the following statements and 

warnings to reduce the likelihood of serious 

or fatal injury.

• DO NOT allow children to play on this 

product until it is completely installed.

• DO NOT allow children to stand, walk close 

to, behind, in front of, or between moving 

product. Instruct children to keep a safe 

distance away.

• DO NOT let children use this product in any 

manner other than intended. 

• Dress children appropriately while on and 

around this product. Use well-fitting shoes 

that do not have slippery soles. DO NOT 

allow children to wear ponchos, scarves, 

hoods, jewelry, loose shoes, loose-fitting 

clothing, neckties, clothing with loose strings 

and/or clothing that might be potentially 

hazardous while using this product.

• Instruct children to remove their bike or other 

sports helmet before using this product.

• Make sure all parts are securely snapped 

together before use.

The owner of this product should disassemble and dispose of the playground equipment in such a way that no unreasonable hazards will exist 

at the time the playground equipment is discarded.

For Disposal


Summary of Contents for 2031

Page 1: ...fisher price com 2031 ES CN FR EN ...

Page 2: branches laundry lines or electrical wires On site adult supervision is required for children of all ages at all times when on or around this product Never leave children unattended Slide feet first Never head first One 1 child at a time When the slide is exposed to direct sunlight check the temperature on the product surface If the slide chute is too hot pour cold water on the slide chute unt...

Page 3: ... of Playground Equipment This report should show the specific height for which the surface is intended to protect against serious head injury This height should be equal to or greater than the fall height vertical distance between a designated play surface elevated surface for standing sitting or climbing and the protective surfacing below of your play equipment Check the protective surfacing freq...

Page 4: ...pth under and around playground equipment Table B 1 lists the maximum height from which a child would not be expected to sustain a life threatening head injury in a fall on to four different loose fill surfacing materials if they are installed and maintained at depths of 150 mm 225 mm and 300 mm However it should be recognised that all injuries due to falls cannot be prevented no matter what surfa...

Page 5: ...acle des branches au dessus de tête la ligne de la buanderie ou les câbles électriques La surveillance d un adulte est obligatoire pour les enfants de tous âges à tout moment dans le cadre de l utilisation de ce produit Ne laissez jamais les enfants sans surveillance Faites glisser les pieds en premier Ne jamais passer la tête la première Un 1 enfant à la fois Lorsque la glissoire balançoire est d...

Page 6: ...Cette hauteur doit être égale ou supérieure à celle de la hauteur de chute la distance verticale entre une surface de jeu désignée surface en hauteur pour se mettre debout s asseoir ou grimper et la surface de protection située en dessous de votre équipement de jeu Contrôlez fréquemment l usure de la surface de protection Emplacement l emplacement et la maintenance adéquats de la surface de protec...

Page 7: ...tion utilisée Il est recommandé que la matière d absorption des chocs s étende à un minimum de 1 80 m dans toutes les directions depuis le périmètre d installation de l équipement tel que celui des parois d escalade et des toboggans Toutefois comme les enfants peuvent délibérement sauter d une balançoire en mouvement la matière d absorption des chocs doit s étendre devant et à l arrière d une bala...

Page 8: ...ueden explotar causando lesiones graves Se recomienda colocar el producto en una posición en la que no se dañen los ojos del niño debido al sol ADVERTENCIA PARA EVITAR LESIONES GRAVES No instale este producto sobre una superficie dura Las caídas una superficie dura podría provocar heridas en cabeza u otras heridas graves Nunca coloque en concreto asfalto madera tierra u otra superficie dura El alf...

Page 9: ...l o superior a la altura de caída la distancia vertical entre una superficie de juego designada superficie elevada para ponerse de pie sentarse o trepar y la superficie protectora inferior del juego Examine la superficie protectora con frecuencia para detectar un posible desgaste Colocación La colocación correcta y el mantenimiento de la superficie protectora es fundamental Asegúrese de Extender l...

Page 10: ...s las lesiones provocadas por caídas independientemente del tipo de material utilizado para cubrir la superficie del suelo Es recomendable que el material amortiguador de golpes alcance una extensión mínima de 1 800 mm en todas las direcciones desde el perímetro del equipo fijo por ejemplo columpios para trepar y toboganes No obstante puesto que un niño puede voluntariamente saltar desde un colump...

Page 11: ...三岁以下小童可能會吞噬小零件而引起 窒息危險 本产品专为家庭使用设计 适用于室内或室外 不适合于学校 公园 日间护理中心 幼儿园及其他公众地方使用 本产品专为1 5岁 4岁的儿童使用设计 本产品最大承重限制为 23公斤 kg 50磅 lb 每次限一位儿童使用 本产品须由成人组装 组装时请使用十字螺丝刀 包装未包含工具 请勿让儿童以任何危险 非预期的方式使用本产品 教导小孩正确及安全地使用本产品 建议将玩具放置在距离其他结构或者障碍物 例如栅栏 车库 房子 头顶的树枝 洗衣管道或电线等 至少2米 6 5英尺 距离的地方 小孩玩耍时需由成人监督 别让小孩单独使用本产品 滑梯时应脚在前或脚在下 不可手在前或头在下 以免发生危险 每次限一位儿童使用 当滑梯被强光直接照射时 使用前请检查产品表面的温度 如果过热 可用冷水使其降温 待其温度下降并擦干便 可让小孩使用 必须为前面板 D 及后面板 A 注...

Page 12: ...每次使用结束或者当温度低于32 F 0 C时 检查产品表面防护材料的填充深度 保持合适的深度预防凝结 必要时予以更换 将其存放在室内 在极端寒冷的天气 塑胶原料会失去弹性 可能变脆 并在遭到撞击时裂开 安全维护和保养 游乐场表面材料消费者信息 本设备的最大跌落高度 1英尺9寸 527毫米 表 B 1 不会导致致命头部伤害的跌落高度 单位为毫米 材料类型 双层碎树皮覆盖物 木屑 细沙 细沙砾 表面材料深度 150毫米 225毫米 300毫米 1800 1800 1500 1800 3000 2100 1500 2100 3300 3600 2700 3000 儿童从游乐设备上跌落至地面造成的伤害在所有游乐场所事故中最为严重 特别是头部受伤时有可能致命 游乐 设备下方和周围的安装表面是跌落引起受伤的主要因素 由于跌落在冲击吸收表面上比跌落在坚硬表面上受到 伤害的可能性更小 游乐设备不应放置在混...

Page 13: ...N DESCRIPTION DESCRIPCIÓN 名称 QTY QTE Cant 数量 A 1 B 1 C 1 D 1 E 1 G 1 Back Panel Panneau arrière Panel Posterior 后面板 Support Brace R Support de renfort R Soporte Derecho 右支撑架 Support Brace L Support de renfort L Soporte Izquierdo 左支撑架 Front Panel Panneau avant Panel Frontal 前面板 Slide Runout Basketball Board Glissière tobogan Basketball Board Lámina de Desvío Tabla de Baloncesto 滑梯尾端 篮球板 N 2 T ball ...

Page 14: ...Assembly Assemblage Ensamblaje 组装说明 A C B D 1 4 2 3 1 F E 2 N 14 ...

Page 15: ...Assembly Assemblage Ensamblaje 组装说明 5 6 7 1 2 1 1 2 3 C l i c k C l i c k H G M L J I K 8 Basketball Stand Stand de basket ball Soporte de baloncesto 篮球架 15 ...

Page 16: ...Assembly Assemblage Ensamblaje 组装说明 1 2 1 2 3 Click Click Storage Rangement Almacenaje 折叠存储 9 10 Slide Toboggan Tobogán 滑梯 1 2 2 3 16 ...

Page 17: ...ur gonfler les balles et ballons Gonflez les balles jusqu à ce qu elles aient une circonférence d environ 317mm Ne pas dépasser la circonférence recommandée ou des dommages peuvent survenir Para evitar que vuelque y cause potenciales lesiones no trate de utilizar este artículo sin llenar los dos paneles de agua Panel Frontal D 0 8 galones 3 Litros Panel Posterior A 1 5 galones 5 7 Litros Una vez l...
