(for qualified installers only)
© Travis Industries
8/24/2017 - 1450
42 Apex CF
Approved Chimney
This fireplace requires one of two types of chimney (no exceptions – do not intermix):
Air-Cooled Chimney
- Use Travis Industries air cooled pipe only. Part
numbers are listed in the section “Air Cooled
- This chimney requires the use of the air-cooled
starter section and cooling duct inlet (see the
section “Air Cooled Chimney” for details).
Insulated Chimney
- Security ASHT+ Chimney
(available from Travis Industries or Security)
(use 98900290 Anchor Plate)
- Alternative Manufacturers
(see the section starting on page 18 for details)
The entire chimney system must be installed to meet all local requirements as well as those
requirements listed by the chimney manufacturer. Depending on the manufacturer and where the
chimney is to be installed, chimney supports, roof braces, radiation shields, attic insulation shields,
attic enclosures, spark arrestors, locking bands, etcetera, may be required as part of the chimney
system. The manufacturer's installation instructions, which are reviewed by the listing agency,
specifies when and where each of these components must be used. Follow the manufacturer's
instructions for the use of flashing and an adjustable storm collar at the roof line to prevent water from
entering the house. Manufacturers require that chimneys extending beyond a certain height above
the roof (typically above 5') must be braced.