Document # 50049 Rev D 5/2/97 P/N 50049:D
Primary phone number. (00-15)
The first sixteen addresses, 00-15, are factory set to 'F' (from 00_F to 15_F).
Programming is typically done as follows: If your phone # is 484-7161, type 4,
the display will read 00_4, press
to save the entry to memory and
increment to the next address 01_F.
Enter the remaining numbers in their respective addresses as shown below:
4 8 4 7 1 6 1 F F F F F F F F F
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 .
The Function of each switch in program mode is shown below:
3.2 Switch
No function in this mode
3.3 Programming
- Increment memory address
- Decrement memory address
- Select operating mode
Figure 3-1: UDACT-F Keypad
Throughout programming mode, the first three locations on the left of the display
represent the memory address which can range from 00 to 208 (Alpha characters are
not used). The last location (farthest right) represents the contents of the memory
address. The first address displayed is shown below:
- Once = First memory address
Twice = type any address
- Save data, go to next address
Address entry
keys are 0 to 9
Data entry keys
are 0 to 9 and A
to F
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