MRP-4424 Document 15180 Rev D 03/12/97 15180:D
II Additional Information
Before proceeding, the installer should be familiar with the following documents and standards:
NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm Code
Underwriters Laboratories Documents:
UL 38 Manually Actuated Signaling Boxes
UL 217 Smoke Detectors, Single and Multiple Station
UL 228 Door Closers - Holders for Fire Alarm Systems
UL 268 Smoke Detectors for Fire Alarm Systems
UL 268A Smoke Detectors for Duct Applications
UL 346 Waterflow Indicators for Fire Alarm Systems
UL 464 Audible Signaling Appliances
UL 521 Heat Detectors for Fire Alarm Systems
UL 864 Standard for Control Units for Fire Alarm Systems
UL 1481 Power Supplies for Fire Alarm Systems
UL1638 Visual Signaling Appliances
UL1971 Signaling Devices for the Hearing Impaired
CAN/ULC-S524-M91 Standard for Installation of Fire Alarms
CAN/ULC-S527-M87 Standard for Control Units for Fire Alarm Systems
NEC Article 300 Wiring Methods
NEC Article 760 Fire Fire Alarm Systems
Applicable Local and State Building Codes
Requirements of the Local Authority Having Jurisdiction
Noti•Fire 911A Manual, Document 74-06200-005
MS-5012 Manual, Document 15465
Fire•Lite Device Compatibility Document, 15384
ADA Americans with Disabilities Act
I NFPA Standards
The MRP-4424 complies with the following NFPA standards:
Extinguishing Systems (High Pressure Only)
NFPA 12A Halon 1301 Extinguishing Systems
NFPA 12B Halon 1211 Extinguishing Systems
NFPA 72-1993 Central Station Signaling Systems (Automatic, Manual, and Waterflow). Protected Premises Unit
(Requires NOTI-FIRE 911A/911AC DACT or MS-5012 Slave Communicator). *
NFPA 72-1993 Local (Automatic, Manual, Waterflow and Sprinkler Supervisory) Fire Alarm Systems.
NFPA 72-1993 Auxiliary (Automatic, Manual, and Waterflow) Fire Alarm Systems. (Requires 4XTMF.)
NFPA 72-1993 Remote Station (Automatic, Manual, and Waterflow) Fire Alarm Systems. (Requires 4XTMF or
NFPA 72-1993 Proprietary (Automatic, Manual, and Waterflow) Fire Alarm Systems. (Requires Potter #EFT-C
McCulloh Transmitter) *
* Applications which require the NOTI-FIRE 911A/911AC or the Potter EFT-C are not FM approved.
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