MRP-4424 Document 15180 Rev D 03/12/97 15180:D
Output circuit #4 is used as an input for monitoring supervisory devices such as valve tamper switches
(note that SW1 DIP switch #2 must be set "ON" -- see section
"Setting MRP-4424 Mode of Operation").
By setting Switch short circuit on this input (activation of a N.O. contact) will cause the supervisory LED
to flash. The piezo sounder will generate a unique sound. TONE SILENCE will silence the piezo and
cause the LED to illuminate steadily. Supervisory signals latch and require RESET to clear. An open
circuit will be reported as a circuit trouble.
Zone Disable
If a zone has been disabled, an alarm that occurs on that zone will flash
the red zone LED, but neither the piezo nor any output circuit will activate.
If both power sources are removed from the system, all zones will be re-
enabled upon restoration of power. Disable status will be lost.
The Zone Disable routine makes use of the four panel switches as
Press and hold in the TONE SILENCE switch.
With the TONE SILENCE switch held in, press (in sequence) the ALARM
SILENCE switch, the ALARM ACTIVATE switch, and then the RESET switch.
The Zone 1 Alarm LED will flash.
To disable Zone 1, press the RESET switch. The Zone 1 yellow LED will light to show that the
zone is disabled.
Note: The RESET switch toggles disable status for the selected zone.
To select the next zone, press the ALARM SILENCE switch.
To select the previous zone, press the ALARM ACTIVATE switch.
When disable selections are complete, release the TONE SILENCE switch.
If any zone has been disabled, the trouble relay will activate and System Trouble LED will flash.
Last Event Recall
Last Event Recall allows the user to display the previous panel status. The Last Event Recall routine
makes use of the four panel switches as follows:
Press and hold in the TONE SILENCE switch.
With the TONE SILENCE switch held in, press (in sequence) the RESET switch, the ALARM
ACTIVATE switch, and then the ALARM SILENCE switch.
Last Event is displayed.
Release the TONE SILENCE switch to return to normal operation.
Note: To clear the last event buffer, press RESET twice.
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