15586 Rev E 5/14/93 P/N 15586:E
Appendix A: Specifications
Initiating Circuits
Power-limited circuitry
Operation: Class B (Style B)
Standby voltage:
4012 = 12 VDC (ripple = 10mV peak-to-peak)
4024 = 24 VDC (ripple = 10mV peak-to-peak)
Alarm current: 15 milliamps minimum
Short circuit current: 35 milliamps typical
Maximum detector current in standby: 2 milliamps (peak) per zone
Maximum loop resistance = 200 ohms
End-of-line resistor:
4012 = 2.2K, 1/4-watt
4024 = 4.7K, 1-4-watt
Detector loop current is sufficient to ensure operation of one alarmed detector per zone.
Supervisory current: 5mA
Indicating Circuits
Power-limited circuitry
Maximum voltage drop due to wiring: 4012 = 1 VDC 4024= 2 VDC
Indicating device operating range: 4012 = 9 - 15 VDC 4024 = 18-31 VDC
Total current to all external devices: 2.5 amps
Maximum signaling current per circuit: 1.5 amps
End-of-line resistor = 10k, 1/4 watt
Alarm Relay
Dry Form-C contacts rated for: 2.0 amps @ 30 VDC (resistive)
0.5 amps @ 30 VAC (resistive)
AC Power
120 VAC, 60 Hz, 1.2 amps
Wire size: #14 AWG with 600V insulation
Transmitter Module (40xxTM)
For local energy municipal box service
Output current: 1.2 mA (in normal).
Trip current: 0.35 amps.
Coil Voltage: 3.65 VDC.
Coil resistance: 14.6 ohms.
Total wire resistance between panel and trip coil = 3 ohms
For Remote Station service:
Output current shall not exceed 10 milliamps per circuit.
Reverse polarity output voltage: 4012 = 12 VDC 4024 = 24 VDC.
See Figure 3J for terminal information.
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