Leave via your exit zone.
To Disarm
Touch [#].
The same [ARM TO DISARM CODE] used to arm.
Step by Step
Ensure the partition/s you want to arm are ready to
arm (illuminated green). If not check that all
monitored windows and doors are closed.
Touch the [#] key to clear any key entries.
Enter a valid [ARM TO DISARM CODE]. If you
make any mistakes, touch [#] and re-enter the code.
The Keypad will beep and the P key will flash
orange for the duration of the entry/exit delay.
You now should leave via the entry/exit route.
The panel will arm at the end of the entry/exit delay,
and the keypad sound a long beep.
To disarm you can enter a valid [USER CODE] or
the same [ARM TO DISARM CODE] that you used
to arm the panel.
The arm to disarm code will only disarm the
system if you have armed the system with the same code.
You cannot use the remote for this function.
Make sure you only use the arm to disarm code when you
want someone else to be able to enter the premises.
11 Home Profiles: Home and Warning Zones
The mi64 provides two home profiles per partition (Home1 and Home2). In
other systems these may be referred to as Stay Modes.
Violation of a home zone will not activate an alarm while a partition is home
armed. When the partition is armed, violation of a warning zone will cause the
keypad to “buzz” for a period before triggering an alarm. If a valid user code is
entered during the “warning buzz period” an alarm will not be registered. Please
note that the warning zone function is only active when a partition is home