This should be used by a Master User to edit the partitions
and user type assigned to the user, and/or to add a remote
to the system.
Step by Step
If out of programming mode:
Touch the [ALT] key followed by the [*] key.
Enter a [MASTER USER CODE] followed by the
[*] key.
Enter [2].
Touch [*].
Enter the [USER CODE]
Touch [*].
To assign/un-assign the partitions. Touch [P1], then
the [ZONE NUMBER] followed by [*]. Repeat as
To assign a user type. Touch [P2], then the desired
[USER TYPE NUMBER], followed by [*].
To assign a remote. Touch [P3], then the remote arm
button. The keypad will sound a long beep to
indicate it has been assigned.
To view the User Number. Touch [P4], the user
number will be displayed in binary format on the
zone indicators.
Keep an updated list of all users and their user codes/types.
10.3 Arm to Disarm Code
An arm to disarm code means that if the system is armed with this code, it can
be disarmed with this code. But if you do not arm the panel with this code, the
code will not work for disarm.
You may want to give someone access to your property at a
specific time, but not want them to have a code they can
use without your knowledge and at anytime.
For example, workmen could be given an arm to disarm
code if they are coming onto your premises to complete
work. In the future, unless you have armed with the same
code, they will be unable to disarm the alarm.
To Arm:
Touch [#].
Mi64 2017