User software
A complete description of E100 user software is provided in
, which is part of the
user documentation set. For optimal E100 performance, maintain current versions of the user
software on every network computer that prints to the E100.
Safety and emissions compliance
The E100 motherboard has been certified to meet or surpass the following standards:
The E100 is in compliance with the directive for Restriction of Hazardous Substances
Safety approvals
EMI approvals
UL/CSA 60950-1-03
FCC Part 15, Subpart B, Class B
EN 60950-1 + A11: 2004
IECS-003, Issue 3, Class B
IEC/EN 60950-1/A1/A2
EN55022: 1998/A1/A2, Class B
EN61000-2-3, EN61000-3-3
EN55024: 1998/A1/A2
AS/NZS CISPR-22: 2004, Class B
VCCI V-3/ 2006.04, Class B