Font List
This appendix lists the built-in printer fonts included with your DocuColor.
PostScript printer fonts
Listed below are the 136 built-in PostScript printer fonts on the DocuColor.
In addition to the fonts listed below, two Adobe Multiple Master fonts are included
and are used for font substitution in PDF files.
For Mac OS computers, install the corresponding screen fonts from the User
Software CD. For instructions, see Getting Started.
Adobe Type 1 fonts
The DocuColor includes 117 Adobe Type 1 fonts:
• AlbertusMT, AlbertusMT-Italic, AlbertusMT-Light
• AntiqueOlive-Roman, AntiqueOlive-Bold, AntiqueOlive-Compact,
• AvantGarde-Book, AvantGarde-BookOblique, AvantGarde-Demi,
• Bodoni, Bodoni-Bold, Bodoni-Italic, Bodoni-BoldItalic, Bodoni-Poster,
• Bookman-Demi, Bookman-DemiItalic, Bookman-Light, Bookman-LightItalic
• Carta
• Clarendon, Clarendon-Bold, Clarendon-Light
• CooperBlack, CooperBlack-Italic
• Copperplate-ThirtyThreeBC, Copperplate-ThirtyTwoBC
• Coronet-Regular
• Courier, Courier-Bold, Courier-Oblique, Courier-BoldOblique
• Eurostile, Eurostile-Bold, Eurostile-ExtendedTwo, Eurostile-BoldExtendedTwo
• GillSans, GillSans-Bold, GillSans-Italic, GillSans-BoldItalic, GillSans-Condensed,
GillSans-BoldCondensed, GillSans-Light, GillSans-LightItalic, GillSans-ExtraBold
• Goudy, Goudy-Bold, Goudy-Italic, Goudy-BoldItalic, Goudy-ExtraBold
Appendix B:
Font List