The following utilities are available to help you manage your print jobs on the
• Spooler
, which is installed from the User Software CD, enables you to view the
order and priority of print jobs, delete jobs, and move jobs between queues. You can
also use it to view job accounting information.
• Downloader
, which is installed from the User Software CD, enables you to print
PostScript and Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) files directly to the DocuColor
without using the application they were created in. Downloader also enables you to
manage printer fonts on the DocuColor.
You cannot use Spooler and Downloader with the parallel port.
• The WebSpooler WebTool, accessible over the Internet or intranet, has the same
functionality as Spooler.
• The Installer WebTool, accessible over the Internet or intranet, enables you to
download printer file installers directly from the server.
For more information on the Installer WebTool, see Getting Started.
Spooler is a utility that is installed from the User Software CD. Unlike the WebSpooler
WebTool, which must be accessed via an Internet browser, users need only a network
connection to the DocuColor in order to use Spooler.
Spooler is supported with Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0 only. Spooler is
not supported with Macintosh, Windows 3.1x, or Windows NT 3.51.
Access privileges
The DocuColor system allows the site administrator to choose and implement a
password. This password is required to use the job management features of Spooler.
If you have been given the Spooler password, you can manage job flow and override
print settings of all jobs. If not, you can still manage job flow and override print
settings of your own jobs, as well as track the status of all other jobs. Check with your
site administrator for information on Spooler access privileges.
Chapter 5:
Print Jobs