FS-8700-48 Fike Cheetah Manual
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FieldServer Technologies
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: www.fieldserver.com
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# Description
84 network silence
history stored when a silence command is recorded from cheetah net
85 network drill presnt
drill state activated from network - all zone only.
86 abort restored
abort state for this zone de-activated.
87 abort present
abort state for this zone activated.
88 pre-alarm1 restored pre-alarm 1 state for this zone de-activated.
89 pre-alarm1 present pre-alarm 1 state for this zone activated.
90 pre-alarm2 restored pre-alarm 2 state for this zone de-activated.
91 pre-alarm2 present pre-alarm 2 state for this zone activated.
92 network drill restor
drill state restored from network - all zone only.
93 alarm present
alarm state for this zone activated.
94 periph #aa missing
peripheral device of id#aa is missing.
95 pre-discharge
pre-discharge state for this zone activated.
96 periph #aa return
peripheral device of id#aa has returned on line.
97 release
release state for this zone activated.
98 zone enabled
zone disable state for this zone de-activated.
99 zone disabled
zone disable state for this zone activated.
100 watermist inactive
not used since release state never clears
101 watermist active
watermist state for this zone activated
102 network alarm unsil network command - unsilence alarms
103 network superv unsil network command - unsilence supervisories
104 checksum ok -----
zone configuration checksum error restored. zone number appended to this
105 checksum error -----
zone configuration checksum error. zone number appended to this message.
106 network troubl unsil network command - unsilence troubles
107 vesda not configured trouble event stored when the hli is present but no vesda is configured.
108 vesda configur clear
trouble clear event for the above trouble.
109 config menu exited trouble clear event when the configuration menu has been exited
110 aux1 power restored auxiliary power input trouble restored - main board
111 aux1 power trouble auxiliary power input trouble - main board
112 aux2 power restored auxiliary power input trouble restored - power module
113 aux2 power trouble auxiliary power input trouble - power module
114 aud switch disabled enable/disable switch for audibles is in the disable position
115 aud switch restored enable/disable switch for audibles has returned to the enable position
116 diagnostics entered indicates the operator has accessed the diagnostic menu selections
117 zone disable restore frcm assigned to zone disable function has cleared
118 zone disable active
frcm assigned to zone disable function has activated
119 internal fault
device trouble from the 0x08 polling command
120 int fault restored
trouble restored from the 0x08 polling command
121 wiring fault-open
open circuit fault on supervised circuit: frcm/som/srm
122 wiring fault-short
short circuit fault on frcm/som/srm
123 acknowledge switch acknowledge switch pressed.
124 test point bad
analog device fire test point is out of hochiki specified range.
125 calibration restored
calibration fault has been restored. device now has valid calibration data.