Connect only in accordance with one of the diagrams,
The device is powered with secure voltage; nevertheless, the user should be extra careful or should commission the installation to a qualified person,
Do not connect devices which are not compliant with the specification,
Do not connect other sensors than DS18B20 or DHT22 to SP and SD terminals,
Do not connect sensors to SP and SD terminals with wires longer than 3 meters,
Do not load the device outputs with a current exceeding 150mA,
Every connected device should be compliant with the relevant safety standards,
Unused lines should be left insulated.
Connection with alarm line
1. Turn off the alarm system.
2. Connect with one of the diagrams below:
Example connection with regular alarm line (1 alarm sensor, 2 alarm system hub).
Example connection with parametric alarm line (1 alarm sensor, 2 alarm system hub).
3. Verify correctness of connection.
4. Arrange the device and its antenna in the housing.
5. Power the device.
6. Add the device to the Z-Wave network.
7. Change values of parameters:
Connected to IN1:
Normally close: change parameter 20 to 0
Normally open: change parameter 20 to 1
Connected to IN2:
Normally close: change parameter 21 to 0
Normally open: change parameter 21 to 1
Connetion with DS18B20
The DS18B20 sensor may easily be installed wherever very precise temperature measurements are required. If proper protective measures are undertaken, the
sensor may be used in humid environments or under water, it may be embedded in concrete or placed under the floor.
You can connect up to 6 DS18B20 sensors in parallel to SP-SD terminals.
1. Disconnect Power
2. Connect with the diagram below