The procedures that must be performed in order to program the outputs depend on the usage type for the output. Usage types
are activated from the menu options below.
1. CoMManD / STaTUS
Table 5 gives a list of available statuses and commands.
“CoMManD / STaTUS”
Run Mode
Air Shutoff
Auto Mode
Programmable Cycle Timer Output #2
Stop Mode
kW relay Trip #1
Package not in Auto
kW relay Trip #2
Fuel Control Relay
Common Alarm
Starter Motor Relay
Breaker #1 Trip
Start Aid
Breaker #2 Trip
Disable Aux AC Supply
Reduced Power Off
Crank Alert
Transfer Fuel In
Engine Start Initiated
Transfer Fuel Out(1)
Engine Started
Voltage Raise Command
Rated Speed
Voltage Lower Command
V/Hz within Limits
Speed Raise Command
Engine in Cooldown
Speed Lower Command
Package waiting on Delay on Stop
Nominal Frequency Selection Low / High(1)
Horn Control
Nominal Voltage Selection Low / High(1)
Common Warning
Common Shutdown
ECU Fault Reset
Table 5
(1) Available with complex software
auto Mode
– Activated after the auto key has been pressed or a Modbus command is given to set engine operating mode to
auto (register 302) and while the control remains in the auto mode.
Generator Breaker Trip 1
– Activated when any event occurs that has an event response configuration set for “Breaker Trip #1”.
This deactivates when the event is neither present nor active. This output does not control a circuit breaker unless the user makes
the connections to do so. This output type should be viewed as having a generic name because the name does not necessarily
imply the action that is performed.
Breaker Trip 2
– Activated when any event occurs that has an event response configuration set for “Breaker Trip #2”. This
deactivates when the event is neither present nor active. This output does not control a circuit breaker unless the user makes the
connections to do so. This output type should be viewed as having a generic name because the name does not necessarily imply
the action that is performed.
Common alarm
– Activated any time that the control initiates and/or detects either a shutdown event or a warning event. This
deactivates when no warnings or shutdowns are present or active.
Disable aux aC Supply
– The “Disable Aux AC Supply” is intended to be used in order to disconnect the battery charger, heaters
etc when the engine is running. It is activated when the engine start is initiated. This deactivates when the engine is stopped or
the RPM is equal to zero.
Trip Point #1
– Activated when “Programmable Trip Point 1” is active. “Programmable Trip Point 1” is activated based on the high
percent kW, according to the user configurable thresholds.
In Cooldown
– Requires that the “Cooldown Duration” setpoint is set greater than zero. Activated when an engine stop has been
initiated and the cooldown cycle begins. This deactivates when the cooldown timer has expired and remains deactivated any
time the generating set is not in cooldown.
run Mode
– Activated after the run key (8) has been pressed or a Modbus command is given to set the “Engine Operating Mode”
to “Run” (register 302) and while the PowerWizard remains in the “Run” mode.
Start aid
– Requires that the set point for “Start Aid Activation Time” is to be set greater than zero. It is activated when the engine
start is initiated. The engine start also starts the timer. This deactivates after “Start Aid Activation Time” expires.