Servo drive
Festo SE & Co. KG
Ruiter Straße 82
73734 Esslingen
+49 711 347-0
Operating instructions | Installation, Safety sub-function
Translation of the original instructions
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About this document
Target group
The document is targeted towards persons who mount and operate the product.
It is additionally targeted towards individuals who are entrusted with the plan-
ning and application of the product in a safety-related system (safety manual in
accordance with EN 61508).
Applicable documents
All available documents for the product
The user documentation for the product also includes the following documents:
Table of contents
Operating instructions for the
Installation, safety sub-function
Manuals for the product
Detailed description of assembly, installation
Detailed description of safety sub-function
Manual/online help plug-in
Functions and operation of the software
Initial commissioning wizard
Firmware functions:
Configuration and parameterisation
Operating modes and operational functions
Diagnostics and optimisation
Bus protocol/control:
Device profile
Controller and parameterisation
Festo Automation Suite online
Function of the Festo Automation Suite
Management and integration of device-specific plug-ins
Operating instructions CDSB
General functions of the operator unit
Tab. 1: User documentation for the product
Product version
This documentation refers to the following version of the device:
Servo drive CMMT-AS-...-S1, revision R01 and higher, see product labelling
Product labelling
Observe the specifications on the product.
The product labelling is located on the right side of the device. The product label-
ling enables identification of the product and shows the following information,
for example:
Product labelling (example)
Order code
8101907 MM-YYYY : J302 Rev 00
Part number, serial number (MM = produc-
tion month, YYYY = production year, plant
number), revision (Rev)
Main input: 3 x 200 V AC - 10%
480 V AC + 10%
62 Hz 7 A
Technical data on power supply (alternating
current supply connection)
Motor out: 3 x 0
Input V AC 0
599 Hz 7 A
4 kW
Technical data for the motor output (output
voltage, max. output frequency, nominal cur-
rent, nominal output power)
: max. 40 °C
Ambient temperature (T
IP10/20 PD2
Degree of protection, without mating plug/
with mating plug X9A attached; pollution
Product labelling (example)
SCCR: 10 kA
SCCR (short circuit current rating)
KC mark certificate (test mark for Korea)
first MAC address of the device for Ethernet
See manual for additional information
Reference to the existing user documentation,
which contains information on overload pro-
tection and the necessary external circuit
Data matrix code 123456789AB
Product key as a data matrix code and an 11-
character alphanumeric code
Festo SE & Co. KG
DE-73734 Esslingen
Manufacturer’s address
Made in Germany
Country of origin Germany
Tab. 2: Product labelling (example)
Warning symbols on the front of the product
Meaning with the CMMT-AS-...
Attention! Hot surface
Metallic housing parts of the device can reach high temperatures during operation.
In the event of a fault, internal components may become overloaded. Overloading of
components can result in high temperatures and the release of hot gases.
Attention! General danger point
The touch current in the protective earthing conductor can exceed an alternating cur-
rent of 3.5 mA or a direct current of 10 mA.
Always connect both protective earthing connections to the mains-side PE connection,
the PE pin of [X9A] and PE earthing screw on the housing.
The minimum cross section of the protective earthing conductor must comply with
the local safety regulations for protective earthing conductors for equipment with high
leakage current.
5 min
Attention! Dangerous voltage
The product is equipped with DC link capacitors, which store dangerous voltage for up
to 5 minutes after the power supply is switched off. Do not touch power connections for
5 minutes after the power supply is switched off.
After the power supply is switched off, wait at least 5 minutes until the DC link capaci-
tors have discharged.
Tab. 3: Meaning of the warning symbols
Warnings on the product
The following warnings are attached to the right side of the device:
Warnings on the product (en, fr)
Risk of Electric Shock! Do not touch electrical connectors for
5 minutes after switching power off! Read manual before instal-
ling! High leakage current! First connect to earth!
Risk of electric shock! Do not
touch electrical connections
for 5 minutes after switching
power off! Read manual before
installing! High leakage current
after PE! First connect device to
protective earthing!
Risque du choc électrique! Une tension dangereuse peut ètre pré-
sentée jusqu'à 5 minutes aprés avoir coupé l'alimentation ! Lire le
manuel avant installation ! Courant de défaut élevée ! Relier tout
d´abord à la terre !
Risk of Electric Shock! Disconnect power and wait 5 minutes
before servicing.
Risk of electric shock! Discon-
nect power and wait 5 minutes
before servicing.
Risque du choc électrique! Débranchez l'alimentation et attendez
5 min. avant de procéder à l'entretien.
Hot surface - Risk of burn!
Hot surface – danger of burns!
Risque de temperature élevée en surface!
Tab. 4: Warnings on the product
Specified standards
IEC 61800-5-1:2016
EN 61800-2:2015
EN ISO 13849-1:2015
EN 61800-3:2004+A1:2012
EN 60204-1:2006+A1:2009+AC2010
EN 61800-5-2:2017
EN 60529:1991+A1:2000+A2/AC:2019
EN 62061:2005+AC:2010+A1:2013+A2:2015
EN 61508 Parts 1-7:2010
Tab. 5: Standards specified in the document
Safety instructions
General safety instructions
Assembly and installation should only be carried out by qualified personnel.
Only use the product if it is in perfect technical condition.
Only use the product in original status without unauthorised modifications.
Do not carry out repairs on the product. If defective, replace the product imme-
Observe labelling on the product.
Take into consideration the ambient conditions at the location of use.
The safety function might fail and malfunctions might occur if you do not
comply with the parameters required for the ambient and connection condi-