16. Clean heat exchanger with a soft brush.
17. Re-assemble baffle, flue hood and fan assembly, secure with screws previously removed.
18. Refit burner assembly and burner rail.
19. Reconnect ignition and flame rectification leads.
20. Reconnect gas union and tighten.
21. Refit combustion chamber cover, secure with screws.
22. Examine seals on room sealed cover refit cover and secure with screws.
23. Turn on gas and electricity.
24. Fire boiler and check all gas joints for soundess.
25. Check flame picture and all controls for correct operation.
26. Check room sealed cover for leakage.
27. Check domestic water flow rate and temperature is within specifications.
28. Check operation of all safety cut off devices.
29. If a combustion analyser is to be used there are test points provided on the front of the room sealed cover.
The right hand grommet is for air and the left hand one is for flue gas. The boiler must reach operating tem-
perature before this test is carried out (normally 10-15 minutes). CO/CO2 ratio should not exceed 0.0080.
Immediately after servicing (0.0040 at any other time)
30. Refit case and secure with screws.
31. Leave boiler set to customers requirements.
6.04 Flue Gas Analysis
1. The appliance should be checked visually for obvious
2. After removing the jacket on the boiler there are two
test point, one for flue gas and the other for air.
3. Open the air and flue gas test points;
4. Introduce the probes as far as the retainer;
5. Turn on the hot water tap;
6. Turn the domestic hot water stat to maximum;
7. Allow the boiler to reach thermal equilibrium (10 - 15
8. Take reading;
9. The CO/CO2 ratio should be 0.0040 or below. If the
reading is above this then a full strip down service
must be carried out and the cause remedied.
10. Following a full strip down service and after reaching
thermal equilibrium the permissible reading is 0.008
or below.
To ensure correct readings the boiler
normal operating temperature.
Testing the
before thermal equilibrium
has been attained
will give incorrect readings.
Fig. 23