Main Menu – CLOCK
Inside this menu you can select the source of the wordclock and the
sample frequency of the PULSE16 DX when running as Master:
The numbers below the labels show the internal generated clock
frequency when set to Master or the measured external sample
frequency. If no sample rate is detected “---” is shown.
If the clock source is set to Master (Leader), the internal wordclock
generator of the PULSE16 DX is used. All other digital devices attached
have to be set to Slave (Follower).
The wordclock is extracted and conditioned from the ADAT or MADI
data stream and send to the Wordclock output. The conditioning (jitter
reduction) is done via a proprietary circuit.
When using an external wordclock on the BNC IN of the PULSE16 DX,
the wordclock signal will also be routed thru the jitter reduction stage
and sent back to the BNC OUT.
The wordclock is extracted and conditioned from the Dante network.
Usually the Wordclock provided by Dante should be used, so choosing
this source is recommended when using Dante.