MVA 02 rev 5 - December 2017
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Purpose of this manual
This manual contains instructions and warnings, and constitutes documentation that must
accompany the product. Otherwise the product is lacking one of its essential safety requisites.
The manual must be kept with care, and must be made available to all persons involved with the product.
The warnings are intended to safeguard the safety of persons exposed to residual risks.
The instructions provide indications for the most appropriate conduct for the correct use of fans as intended
by the manufacturer.
The safety precautions used for the fan must also be adapted to its specific destination
of use.
The safety precautions differ according to the type of fan installation, as specified in
paragraph 3.1 below.
The information given in this manual is therefore indispensable for the use of fans in
conformity with the destination of use of the product and without risks.
In this manual the letters “FVI” stand for “Ferrari Ventilatori Industriali S.p.A.”
No part of this manual may be copied, reproduced or transmitted in any form whatsoever and by any
electronic, mechanical or photographic means without the express authorization of
The FVI Technical Office is fully at your disposal for all information required.
Safety symbols used in this manual
Certain items of particular interest in this manual may be preceded by one of the following symbols:
DANGER: Indicates situations that might cause personal injuries.
DANGER: Live electrical components.
WARNING: Indicates important information of particular general interest