MVA 02 rev 5 - December 2017
47 of 120
Lifting fans packed in crate
The weight and centre of gravity of the crate are indicated on the outside of the package.
The lifting points for lifting the crate with a forklift truck are identified by two black triangles with the tip
pointing downwards.
ensures the stability of the fan or of fan components inside the case by means of rigid connections linked
directly to the packing, so as to prevent any possible sudden movements of crate contents.
Nevertheless, while moving a crate with a forklift truck, the risk of instability or of the loss of stability caused
by unforeseen movements of the forklift remains. To avoid this risk caused by unforeseen movements, care
must be taken to carry out movement operations on a flat surface without projections or holes that could
affect the stability of the loaded forklift truck. The speed of the forklift truck must also be reduced to a
minimum, with the load at the minimum possible height.
Since the stability of the load is ensured when the position of the centre of gravity is located at a lower height
vertically than the lifting point, whenever possible it is preferable to lift crates using lifting straps and/or
Before lifting check:
that the capacity of the lifting equipment is compatible with the load
that the lifting equipment is in good condition
that the load has been correctly hooked up in safety
that the lifting point is vertically above the centre of gravity of the load
that the operator who carried out hooking up operations has moved away from the
lifting areas
Positioning of the lifting point at a significant distance from the vertical of the centre of gravity
of the load can generate dangerous oscillations of the load when lifted.
The load must be lifted away from the support surface with a very slow initial movement, so as to be able to
identify any potential oscillations of the load. If residual oscillations of a nature that could be a hazard for
persons or things during transport of the load are present after lifting it away from the support surface, it is
advisable to wait for these oscillations to stop before starting transport operations.