Granulator applicator proportional output activation (Micro PWM)
The PSC device provides a few auxiliary OUTPUTS. The "Micro PWM” output provides a PWM
signal with duty cycle proportional to the travel speed, which is useful, for example, for increasing
fertiliser dosage when the speed increases. This output is enabled by selecting <ON> on the
"Micro PWM” page
Granulator applicator proportional output minimum current coefficient (Duty
applicator proportional output maximum speed reference (Vel.Max.Micro)
These two parameters are displayed only if "Micro PWM” is "ON”: based on the features of the
connected user (granulator applicator), the minimum current (Duty Min.Micro) and maximum
reference speed (Vel.MaxMicro) parameters can be changed. The system adjusts the duty cycle of
the output wave according to a linear feature between the minimum duty and the maximum duty
(100%) with respect to the speed between 0 m/h and Vel.MaxMicro m/h.
set DutyMin.Micro = 20%, VelMaxMicro=3000 m/h to obtain:
Speed: 0 km/h DutyMicroPwm=20 %
Speed: 1 km/h DutyMicroPwm=46 %
Speed: 2 km/h DutyMicroPwm=73 %
Speed: 3 km/h DutyMicroPwm=100 %
Enabling alarms (Alarms)
On this page you
can disable or enable the alarms that signal any faults (see “Alarms”
section in this manual for a description of the alarms)
Wheel encoder and Motor encoder pulse count (pulsW - pulsM)
This page shows two pulse counts for the two encoders. The value shown refers to the count of
the pulses coming from an encoder phase and can be reset by pressing "Enter”
On this page you can therefore check that the two encoders are working properly.