Hydraulic motor solenoid valve minimum current coefficient (Duty Min.)
This parameter is directly proportional to the minimum current supplied to the proportional
solenoid valve that feeds the hydraulic motor. It refers to the minimum duty cycle of the PWM
wave that excites the proportional solenoid valve
Adjusting the “Duty Min.” parameter:
with the hydraulic circuit active, gradually increase the
"Duty Min.” parameter (starting from 1%) until a minimum movement of the transplanting
bodies starts to be detected. Now you can take note of the value and set the "Duty Min.”
parameter with the value measured less five percentage points.
Hydraulic motor solenoid valve maximum current coefficient (Duty Max.)
This parameter is directly proportional to the maximum current supplied to the proportional
solenoid valve that feeds the hydraulic motor. It refers to the minimum duty cycle of the
PWM wave that excites the proportional solenoid valve.
In normal conditions, the value to be set is “100 %”.
Hydraulic motor proportional solenoid valve PWM wave frequency (Freq. PWM)
Indicates the frequency of the PWM wave used to drive the proportional solenoid valve connected
to the hydraulic motor
PID controller time basis (PID Time).
Indicates the frequency of the PWM wave used to drive the proportional solenoid valve connected
to the hydraulic motor.
Changing this value changes the action of the PID controller that controls the rotation speed of the
rotation shaft. If this value is increased, the control is made less reactive (this could be useful to
overcome a possible intermittent movement of the transmission shaft caused by inconsistent stress
to which the rotation is subjected). On the other hand, a less reactive control results in less
precision over distance control, especially with any variations in speed. It is advisable to change
the parameter only after receiving instructions from Ferrari Costruzioni Meccaniche technical staff.